Dear Reader:

The world we have created
is a product of our thinking;
it cannot be changed without
changing our thinking
— Albert Einstein

Friday, May 27, 2011

A Hummock in the Hammock

It was too hot today to do anything but occupy the hammock and read my grandmother's first novel, The Old Ashburn Place -- or rather, reread it after several years' lapse. Reading Margaret Flint's work draws back into me a strong sense of place and belonging that transcends where I am at any moment, or who I am with, no matter how beloved.

The view of my hammock.
The view from my hammock. Hi, Roy.
And looking up from my hammock.
Openwork hammocks are best enjoyed when placed on a deck or patio. Otherwise, bugs in the grass make the great leap upward for fresh protein. Ouch! Slap! We put this hammock on the brick patio Roy built. Oh, you can move it onto the lawn and still enjoy the experience, if you place a tablecloth or blanket underneath to block the leetle jumpers.

You may notice that the real estate ad on my blog has changed. After a year on the market with no takers, the Wayland, Massachusetts, house is reverting for awhile to simply a home. Cool. There is one final showing Monday, and if that doesn't result in a sale, we are taking the house off our broker's hands. However, if you've been wanting to explore the possibility of living in this beauty spot but have not acted on your wish, just give us a call. And if you are really, really good, we might throw in the hammock for good measure. By the way, the "Hummock" in the title of this blog?  Me.

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