Dear Reader:

The world we have created
is a product of our thinking;
it cannot be changed without
changing our thinking
— Albert Einstein

Saturday, April 9, 2011

"D" Modified

"What Crisis?" asked Edward L. Glaeser in Thursday's Boston Globe, referring to current concern about the state of America's infrastructure -- as articulated by our President and especially as rated (berated!) by the American Society of Civil Engineers report which I referred to in yesterday's blog.

Glaeser fleshes out rather than debunks the "D" grade. Yes, only 68.2% of Americans have broadband -- but nearly half of those without the Internet report lack of interest or need as the reason for being unconnected, while only 3% want it but can't reach it. He also points out that our low grade on rail rightly targeted passenger service but failed to report that the USA does far better on freight service than the Europeans. Forty-eight % of American goods travel by rail compared to 18% of EU shipping.

Glaeser, a professor of economics at Harvard University, does not deny the deterioration or inadequacy of other infrastructure elements. His main concern, as befits his profession, is that current funding and planning procedures are often extremely wasteful:  "Better infrastructure spending," he says, "would make more assiduous use of cost-benefit analysis vetted by outside experts." Good point.

However, as the new wife of a man who narrowly missed being on a major highway bridge when it collapsed, I still want to see things that we need and use FIXED. Yes, let's be more intelligent about planning and funding procedures, but let's bite that ole bullet and get these mundane needs moved way up America's priority list.


Melissa said...

Hello Sara!

Every night when I drive home on the Spaulding Highway, theres a big orange diamond road sign that proclaims " Your toll dollars working for you"! But nothing is going on. It makes me chuckle every time!

Here in Somersworth, the main road through town is a mess. Me and Melody joke that it would be a star in our documentary on "The Bumpiest Roads In America" along with 160 by Granny's house. A few years back, Somersworth did a repaving job on a street that goes through the bad part of town (where the supposed crack heads and drug dealers live). I thought maybe they are doing that so that when they redo the Main street, they will have a good detour road. well, it's been 2 years and you still need 4 wheel drive to drive on this street. Maybe it's a deal with the local mechanics as a poor economy bail out?

Which segways right into a funny "Bra Burner" story.

Last summer, Melody had a job at Yorks Animal Kingdom. One day, we went there to pick up her check. On the way, we passed by some bridge repair workers. we were stopped waiting for them to do what they were doing, and I said to Melody- "Hey look. Only one person is working, and it's a woman! (no joke, all the men were standing there watching run her asphalt roller truck). So we said in the men's defense, maybe it's their break or lunch time. So we went to York, got Melodys check and came back. Still the same woman was working and all those guys were leaning on shovels and doing nothing. I told Melody that was a prime example in inequality in the workplace.

I guess the morale of my story is, if you want better infrastructure, your going yo have to wait for that lady to get to it!!!

Leah McFall said...

Melissa...astoundingly amusing as ever :)