Dear Reader:

The world we have created
is a product of our thinking;
it cannot be changed without
changing our thinking
— Albert Einstein

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

On Being from Maine

In my case, being from Maine includes:
 . . . Having relatives who fish. Here are sister-in-law Elaine and her great-nephew James, at a family swimming hole on the St. George river.

 . . . Loving natural events, like golden late afternoon sun penetrating fog along the Medomak river.

 . . . Developing an eye for the night sky, still visible in much of its complexity from much of Maine.

 . . . NOT going south in mud season.


 . . . Cooking outside, in a stone fire ring. The hot dog and marshmallow chef here is my friend Amelia.

 . . . Appreciating FREE STUFF (in this case, giving extras away).

 . . . Being a life-long water sprite. In this case, listening to the lapping of wavelets on Damariscotta lake.

 . . . Attending hometown events, this one the parade opening Waldoboro Day 2010. Waldoboro was "Home of the 5-masted Schooner" -- a short-lived, 19th C technological wonder.

 . . . Living outdoors as weather and bugs may allow.

 . . . Taking grandchildren to beauty spots. Here is Gavin at "Fairy River's Edge."

 . . . Having an attic -- in my case, two! This one being the barn attic, nearly cleared of cultch.