Dear Reader:

The world we have created
is a product of our thinking;
it cannot be changed without
changing our thinking
— Albert Einstein

Monday, October 3, 2011

Cast loose and MOVE!!!

Daughter Leah sorting the art collection.

The author, fixing a ceiling.
Wayne Lehman, removing one
of several truck loads of junk.
Fixing up the barn and house to sell.
Daughter Rachel helping move
belongings to new surroundings.
Add a realtor's lock box, gulp.
House sold, moving day.
My last night in my house.
Slept in attic, watched The Muppet
to make it a party.
RAV4 loaded to the gills.
Last view from the deck.
Ready for a new family to move in.
A wonderful era in my life has closed, with the sale of my property in Maine. But a wonderful new era has been opening up with Roy. The change feels like the incremental adjustments of earth's tectonic plates, only without the earthquakes.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

The Margaret Flint Project

Good authors should not be allowed to slip into oblivion.  This includes my grandmother, Margaret Flint. Several of her grandchildren have conspired to republish her prize-winning first novel, The Old Ashburn Place, in the 21st century format:  e-book.

It is available online for $2.99, through Istoria Books --

Or, if you have a Kindle, you can order straight from Amazon at:

Or, if you're a Nook reader, you can go the the Barnes & Noble site at:

Why would you want to buy it? Because you like a good story, with believable characters working out their lives in a fully delineated social and natural setting. Give it a try.